One of the reasons I bother my arse to write here is to counteract some of the vitriol published in the music press .......even if its only in my head.
I stopped buying the regular press a couple of years ago as a private protest to meanness and blatant lies, as Billy said 'don't encourage them',OK he was talking about politicians but the principle is the same.
And so to Hockey a band of nice young men who probably haven't even considered the remote as a suitable projectile, let alone a TV. Mind Chaos is their first album and its chock full of hummable tunes, nothing wrong there you may think. Well according to the music press and I'm paraphrasing out of laziness;
'not a credible band' 'poorly dressed' 'not as good as MGMT' and 'lacking substance' 'a bit lightweight'.
For my part I just like the songs, my kids like the songs and my wife likes the songs. It's a bit like a dancy A-ha with classic 2009 production beats and bleeps added to a serious amount of funky bass. If you liked Hot Chip you'll probably like it, if your inner soul requires a crescendo of guitars for breakfast then just download the one tune.
Too Fake is an absolute belter though - Wallop
Talking of guitars for breakfast Richard, you need to bring Silversun Pickups out of the darkness.
Billy who?
ReplyDeleteI think thats how the music press has always worked, they will have their little favourites and if your face doesnt fit you dont get the support.
ReplyDeleteI think reading stuff like the NME isnt something that you can do all of your life anyway, you tend to grow out of it in the same way that you move on from Radio 1 to 2,4 or 5 or from Southern Comfort to malt whisky.
And I have to ask as well, Billy who?
I thought it was quite a famous quote
ReplyDeleteBilly Connolly, 'don't vote for politicians, it only encourages the bastards'.
Silversun Pickups = The Smashing Pumpkins meets The Smashing Pumpkins
ReplyDeleteGood work, I doff my cap to you......
ReplyDeleteHigh jump girl=naked girl
ReplyDeleteOH this is about to head West
ReplyDeleteWest = Left
ReplyDeleteNow you're getting mixed up with left of West. Different thing.
ReplyDeleteDid you hear about Frank Skinner shouting out "Smashing Pumpkins" when Melinda Messenger was just opening the envelope to reveal the winner of some random MTV award some years ago? He may not be funny anymore, but that was a stroke of genius.
ReplyDeleteAs for Silversun Pickups = Smashing Pumpkins meets Smashing Pumpkins, I would almost entirely agree, although I would also point out that they have added in tunes, melody, singalong choruses and removed the namby-pamby nasal whine that Billy Corgan uses to appropriate the sound of strangling terriers.
And another thing..Hockey is a rubbish name for a band. It conjures up all the wrong images in one's head, like blazers and slacks, Friday afternoon history lessons, jingly-jangly, non-subversive indie-lite, and smoking behind the bike sheds. Not very rock n roll in other words. Change your name to Waste Derived Fuel or Total F******* Sonic Annihilation and I might give you a listen
ReplyDeleteI like the name Hockey, I'd assumed it was in tribute to Trevor Hockey who appears to be a big beardy influence on most of the bands I seem to like these days. Its not enough to make me listen to them though.
ReplyDeleteThat's very feisty from Rich B. Best not get him onto the subject of arsehole farmers.